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Children’s Optometric Services

Good vision is very important for proper physical development and educational progress in growing kids. While most children have normal, healthy eyes, a few are born with or develop vision problems. Our professional optometrists, with specialized training and necessary equipment, strive to provide comprehensive eye care that can help improve your child’s health and vision. Get in touch with us to book an appointment.

Importance of Children’s Eye Exams

It is always better to have children’s eyes examined by our optometrists regularly to make sure that their eyes are healthy. As vision problems can impact their academic performance and safety, they require the following visual abilities:

​ Accurate eye movement

​ Comfortable and precise focusing skills

​ Eye teaming skills without strain

​ Visual acuity at all distances

Eye Exam Timing

The generally accepted breakdown of timing for eye checkups to provide proper eye care for your family is as follows:

​ First eye exam at 6 months old

​ Second eye test at 3 years old

​ Prior to entering Grade 1, at 5 or 6 years old

​ Every year once the child is school aged

Children aged 0 -18 are covered by Alberta Health Care

For kids who require eyeglasses or contacts, exams will be required on an annual basis.

What to Expect at the Appointment

Depending on the child’s age, the approach to eye examinations differs. Generally, the exam includes a case history, vision testing, eye alignment testing, eye health evaluation and more. Once you have scheduled the visit, you will have to fill out a case history form to help us gain a full picture of the child’s health. Be sure to mention any issues such as:

​ Premature birth

​ Delays in motor development

​ Rubbing eyes frequently

​ Blinking in excess

​ Inability to maintain eye contact

​ Poor eye tracking abilities

You need to inform us if your child has failed a vision screening with a pediatrician or at school, any pre-existing ocular problems, family history of eye diseases or undergone treatments such as glasses, contacts or surgeries.

Infant Eye Testing

We can assess the development of your baby’s eyes by testing if their pupils respond to light correctly, they can focus and track an object before their eyes, and they can distinguish what is visually interesting from what isn’t.

Preschool Eye Testing

The preschool age is a period when your children experience drastic growth in their motor and intellectual skills. During this time, you should look out for any delays in eyesight development. If you notice your child is rubbing their eyes frequently, sitting very close to the TV or avoiding activities such as colouring or puzzles, take them to an eye doctor.

Eye and Vision Issues That Might Affect Your Child

Uncorrected vision problems can cause your kids to suffer academically, socially and personally. There are many common vision problems amongst schoolchildren, including some well-known challenges such as:

​ Nearsightedness

​ Farsightedness

​ Astigmatism (misshapen lens, cornea, or both)

​ Lazy eye (amblyopia)

​ Misalignment of eyes (strabismus)

​ Convergence insufficiency

​ Focusing problems

​ Poor depth perception

​ Colour vision

During school-aged eye assessments, our eye doctor will conduct a thorough examination of your child’s cornea, iris, lens and eyelids in order to identify any potential troubles. Some of these issues include:

​ Infected eyelash follicles

​ Bumps on the eyelid

​ Eye discharge

​ Swelling (edema)

Vision screening is essential to enabling success in school since most of the information absorbed by a child during their younger years is through visual uptake. Issues such as amblyopia (lazy eye) can be treated more effectively when detected early.

Help Your Child Succeed in School

Timely eye assessments give children the tools to thrive.

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